Write a codec from scratch

This section introduces building blocks that can be used to create codecs from scratch.

Write an input source

Input sources are mgs’ lowest level constructs. Their role is to provide sequential reads of arbitrary input.

They must model codecs::input_source.

Let’s write a simple one, that will only work with char const*:

#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>

#include <mgs/ssize_t.hpp>

class noop_encoder {
  using element_type = char;

  noop_encoder(char const* begin, char const* end) : _current(begin), _end(end) {}

  template <typename O>
  std::pair<O, int> read(O dst, int max_length) {
    auto const to_read =
        std::min<int>(max_length, std::distance(_current, _end));
    dst = std::copy_n(_current, to_read, dst);
    _current += to_read;
    return {dst, to_read};

  // Optional, but required to model codecs::sized_input_source
  mgs::ssize_t max_remaining_size() { return _end - _current; }

  char const* _current;
  char const* _end;

Write an input range (optional)

Input ranges allow iterating over input.

mgs provides a building block to easily create one from an input source:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

#include <mgs/codecs/basic_input_range.hpp>
#include <mgs/ssize_t.hpp>

using namespace mgs;

class noop_encoder { /* ... */ };

int main() {
  std::string hello("Hello, World!");

  using noop_encoding_range = codecs::basic_input_range<noop_encoder>;

  noop_encoder encoder(hello.c_str(), hello.c_str() + hello.size());
  noop_encoding_range encoding_range(encoder);

  std::string hello2(encoding_range.begin(), encoding_range.end());
  // "Hello, World!"
  std::cout << hello2 << std::endl;

codecs::basic_input_range takes a codecs::input_source and models meta::input_range.

Define the codec traits

Now that we have our encoder, we can almost create our codec.

We still have to write a small codec traits type, which will be used by the next building block.

This type must model codecs::codec_traits and define:

  • default types returned by encode and decode functions.

  • make_encoder and make_decoder functions, taking a codecs::input_source

For simplicity, it will only work with codecs::iterator_sentinel_source<char const*>, which is the most basic codecs::input_source provided by mgs (it just wraps an iterator/sentinel pair).

#include <mgs/codecs/iterator_sentinel_source.hpp>

using namespace mgs;

struct noop_codec_traits {
  using default_encoded_output = std::string;
  using default_decoded_output = default_encoded_output;

  static noop_encoder make_encoder(
      codecs::iterator_sentinel_source<char const*> is) {
    return noop_encoder(is.begin(), is.end());

  static noop_encoder make_decoder(
      codecs::iterator_sentinel_source<char const*> is) {
    return noop_encoder(is.begin(), is.end());

Use your codec

Here we are, the last step!

We will use codecs::basic_codec, a helper class that needs a codecs::codec_traits as its template parameter, and models codecs::codec.

#include <mgs/codecs/basic_codec.hpp>

using namespace mgs;

using noop_codec = codecs::basic_codec<noop_codec_traits>;

Congratulations, you can now use your no-op codec!

Here is the full code:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include <mgs/codecs/basic_codec.hpp>
#include <mgs/codecs/basic_input_range.hpp>
#include <mgs/codecs/iterator_sentinel_source.hpp>
#include <mgs/ssize_t.hpp>

using namespace mgs;

class noop_encoder {
  using element_type = char;

  noop_encoder(char const* begin, char const* end)
      : _current(begin), _end(end) {}

  template <typename O>
  std::pair<O, int> read(O dst, int max_length) {
    auto const to_read =
        std::min<int>(max_length, std::distance(_current, _end));
    dst = std::copy_n(_current, to_read, dst);
    _current += to_read;
    return {dst, to_read};

  // Optional, but required to model codecs::sized_input_source
  mgs::ssize_t max_remaining_size() { return _end - _current; }

  char const* _current;
  char const* _end;

struct noop_codec_traits {
  using default_encoded_output = std::string;
  using default_decoded_output = default_encoded_output;

  static noop_encoder make_encoder(
      codecs::iterator_sentinel_source<char const*> is) {
    return noop_encoder(is.begin(), is.end());

  static noop_encoder make_decoder(
      codecs::iterator_sentinel_source<char const*> is) {
    return noop_encoder(is.begin(), is.end());

using noop_codec = codecs::basic_codec<noop_codec_traits>;

int main() {
  auto const s = noop_codec::encode("Hello, World!");
  auto const s2 = noop_codec::decode<std::vector<unsigned char>>(
      s.c_str(), s.c_str() + s.size());
  std::cout << s << std::endl;