Defined in header <mgs/codecs/concepts/codec_traits.hpp>
// exposition only
template <typename T, typename IS>
using encoder = decltype(T::make_encoder(std::declval<IS>());
// exposition only
template <typename T, typename IS>
using decoder = decltype(T::make_decoder(std::declval<IS>());
template <typename T,
typename IS1 = /* see below */, typename IS2 = /* see below */>
concept codec_traits =
codecs::input_source<IS1> &&
codecs::input_source<IS2> &&
requires(IS1 is1, IS2 is2) {
{ T::make_encoder(is1) } -> meta::input_range;
{ T::make_decoder(is2) } -> meta::input_range;
codecs::codec_output<typename T::default_encoded_output, encoder<T, IS1>>;
codecs::codec_output<typename T::default_decoded_output, decoder<T, IS2>>;
The codec_traits concept specifies that a type can create encoders and decoders for a specific codec, and defines default encoded and decoded types.
is1 - value of type
is2 - value of type
Encoder - type returned by
Decoder - type returned by
E - type alias of
typename T::traits::default_encoded_output
D - type alias of
typename T::traits::default_decoded_output
Member types¶
default_encoded_output |
Type to be used by default by a codecs::codec when encoding |
default_decoded_output |
Type to be used by default by a codecs::codec when decoding |
default_encoded_output |
default_decoded_output |
Template arguments¶
IS1 |
Type passed to |
IS2 |
Type passed to |
IS1 |
IS2 |
Valid expressions¶
Expression |
Return type |
T::make_encoder(is1) |
T::make_decoder(is2) |
Expression semantics¶
Expression |
Semantics |
T::make_encoder(is1) |
Creates an encoder from the input source |
T::make_decoder(is2) |
Creates a decoder from the input source |
Concept emulation¶
namespace mgs {
namespace codecs {
template <typename T,
typename IS1 = /* ... */, typename IS2 = /* ... */>
struct is_codec_traits { /* ... */ };
template <typename T,
typename IS1 = /* ... */, typename IS2 = /* ... */>
constexpr auto is_codec_traits_v = is_codec_traits<T, IS1, IS2>::value;
template <typename T,
typename IS1 = /* ... */, typename IS2 = /* ... */,
typename = std::enable_if_t<is_codec_traits_v<T, IS1, IS2>>>
using codec_traits = T;
} // namespace codecs
} // namespace mgs
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <mgs/codecs/concepts/codec_traits.hpp>
#include <mgs/codecs/basic_input_range.hpp>
using namespace mgs;
using namespace mgs::codecs;
class noop_traits {
using input_source = iterator_sentinel_source<char const*>;
using noop_encoder = basic_input_range<input_source>;
using noop_decoder = noop_encoder
using default_encoded_output = std::string;
using default_decoded_output = default_encoded_output;
static noop_encoder make_encoder(input_source is) {
return noop_encoder(is);
static noop_decoder make_decoder(input_source is) {
return noop_decoder(is);
int main() {
static_assert(is_codec_traits_v<noop_traits>::value, "");